TracFone Prepaid Cell Phone Card, Double Minutes

Add TracFone airtime before service end date. No bills. No surprises. You're in control. Double minutes on airtime minutes you add for the life of your current phone. America's No. 1 prepaid cell phone. Card has no value until activated by cashier. For use only with TracFone branded cell phones. Cards are non-refundable. Add this card to your current TracFone, or a new TracFone, and you'll get double minutes on any TracFone airtime card you add to the phone after that, for the life of that TracFone. Also applies to minutes included on One Year Service card. Note: 1. This is not an airtime card; it simply enables the Double Minute benefit on a single TracFone beginning with your next airtime card. This card alone does not add minutes/units to the airtime balance, or days to the Service End Date, both of which are shown on your TracFone screen. 2. The Double Minute benefit does not apply to minutes that have not been purchased, such as bonus minutes provided with a special TracFone promotional code. 3. The double minute benefit only applies to one TracFone cell phone, and may not be transferred to another TracFone. The amount you paid for this card reduces our subsidy of the cost of your TracFone and enables you to buy minutes on this reduced rate plan. Purchase and use of this card is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Service and airtime rates in the phone package or at, which are subject to change without prior notice. The PIN code on this card must be added to your TracFone prior to one year from date of card purchase, or it is void. The double minute benefit is associated with the Electronic Serial Number of the TracFone to which the PIN code is added, and may not be transferred to another TracFone or redoubled.